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Figure Port Forwarding 2. As you f660 see in the above screenshot, the password field is filled with bullets, zxhn if this password field really contains the password, RouterPassView will be able to extract it and display password on the main window. Chapter 1 Overview It provides users with various services. Kalau misalnya terkendala di bagian security, bagaimana cara mengatur Zte Kalo bisa, bgmn caranya?

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Click Browse to select the certificate file. Click Import Certificate to import the file. Context To manage the system, perform the following steps: On the Administration tab, select System Management, as shown in Figure Figure System Management 2.

Click Reboot to reboot the device. To upgrade the software, perform the following steps: During the upgrade process, the device cannot be powered off; otherwise, it may be damaged. During the upgrade process, the system prompts a message.

After the upgrade is complete, the system returns to the login interface. Context To manage the device configuration, perform the following steps: Context To manage logs, perform the following steps: On the Administration tab, select Log Management, as shown in Figure Configure the log management parameters, as listed in Table Click Submit to diagnose the connection, as shown in Figure Then access the Web interface of the device.

Click the Application tab to check the VoIP configuration. If the VoIP configuration is correct and the telephone cable is correctly connected, but the call still cannot be made, contact the service provider. Was This Manual Helpful?

Page 2 Additionally, the contents of this document are protected by contractual confidentiality obligations. Table Of Contents Contents Preface Table Of Contents 7. Chapter 1 Overview It provides users with various services.

Page 23 If the command window displays the messages, as shown in Figure, it indicates that the communication between your PC and the device fails. User Interface Information Figure Voip Status Information 3.

Chapter 4 Network Configuration To configure the connection, perform the following steps: Configuring Multi-ssid Parameters 2. Page 39 —bit encryption. Address Management Configuration The user has logged in to the Web interface of the device.

Configuring Dhcp Binding Configuring Url Filter The user has logged in to the Web interface of the device. Configuring Dmz Host The user has logged in to the Web interface of the device. Configuring Port Forwarding To configure port forwarding, perform the following steps: Page 65 Port number of the secondary proxy server Register Expires Registration expiration time Unit: Configuring Voip Media Parameters Steps 1.

Dns Configuration The user has logged in to the Web interface of the device. Configuring Qos Rule Steps 1. Configuring Qos Queue Management 6. Configuring Qos Ingress Rate Limit 1. Page 92 Report Time Periodical report time of multicast messages Note: Configuring Multicast Vlan Steps 1.

Chapter 7 Device Management The user has logged in to the Web interface of the device. Device Management Context To manage the system, perform the following steps: Page During the upgrade process, the device cannot be powered off; otherwise, it may be damaged.

Log Management The user has logged in to the Web interface of the device. Chapter 8 Faq Then access the Web interface of the device. Comments to this Manuals Your Name. Enter text from picture: Kata sandi modem zte f setelah di riset.

Bisa jadi, karena modem telkom itu sering dipindah-pindah, bisa aja modem yang di dapat itu sudah bekas. Untuk teman kemarin request ganti modem ke plasa telkom hari langsung data teknisinya. Jadi coba aja ke plasa telkom.

Mau minta tolong nih.. Indihome saya pake ZTE modemnya.. Pake laptop bisa konek dan internet an, tp pake iphone dan android bisa konek tp ga jalan internetnya… Saya jg uda coba cara dari web web ini, tp masi ga bisa juga..

Konek ke wireless tapi ngga bisa konek ke internet atau gmn? Mas, untuk pake fitur MAC Filtering bisa dijelaskan gk dengan ringkas cara setting nya, klo misalnya saya ingin memblokir device tertentu agar tidak bisa connect ke wifi.

Karena saya masi cukup bingung memahami petunjuk setting nya Terima kasih sebelumnya. Gan saya pengen Ngeblock nih user wifii gimana ya, saya memakai modem model ZTE f juga gan.. Petugas telp 2x nyanyiannya sama, mo di koordinasi dulu!

UcTv, wifi, telp ok aktiv tapi internet nya mati, kalo inetnya jalan UCTV nya error gak siar Tapi bulan ini ane mesti bayar ribu totalnya…. Coba deketin mba-mba di plasa telkomnya hehee, kalo ada masalah via WA aja. Gan, mau tnya nich..

Setting sukses, tp ada 1 masalah yaitu speed di wifi tidak bisa maksimal, apa emang ZTE F ini ada limit untuk koneksi wifi? Coba transfer file lewat LAN bisa maksimal ngga kecepatannya? Gan, mau tanya donk.

Belum dapat IP nya, status connecting terus. Sama teknisinya dibilang memang tdk bs internet via port 2 dan 3. Udah disetting sm indihome kayak gitu katanya. Saya ingin bertanya untuk password default wifi zte apa ya mas?

Jadi kemaren tuh saya mereset settingan default zte saya menggunakan router zte, setelah saya reset ke default saya tidak bisa mengakses jaringan kembali, mohon pencerahanya yaa. Dibagian bawah modem zte ada tertera preshared key default untuk terhubung kejaringan.

Tapi ssid name setelah direset juga berubah ke default, ssid name default tertera dibagian bawah modem juga. Pak, apa tau cara agar dapat memberikan limit kepada siapa saja yang bisa konek internet melalui filter mac address?

Pak, apa tau cara agar dapat memberikan limit kepada siapa saja yang bisa konek internet melalui filter mac address, jadi hanya mac address tertentu saja yang dapat terkoneksi? Port 1 — 3 mempunyai saluran internet sendiri-sendiri tapi LAN tidak bisa saling interkoneksi hasilnya komputer yg terhubung ke port 1 tdk bisa share data ke komputer yg terhubung ke port 2 dan 3 , dan sebaliknya.

Solusinya pasang switch hub ke salah satu port itu kemudian hubungkan komputer-komputer ke switch hub tersebut. Mas bertanya, saya menggunakan modem indy home modem ZTE F Sinyal nya kurang bagus, bagaimana agar bisa lebih kuat ya?

Apakah menaikkan voltage akan berpengaruh? Bisa setting dimanakah pada modem ZTE F? OS nya pake apa? Cobain pake DNSCrypt aja. Disini ada beberapa contohnya http: Saya mau tanya untuk setting mode Bridge nya bagaimana yah gan, soalnya saya mau gabungkan dengan Router Mikrotik, cuman bingung cara setting modem zte F untuk mode Bridge.

Mohon di bangu gan, trima kasih. Terus kalo gak pake brigde pakainya apa ya Pak? Biasanya si saya pake bridge, boleh di share settingannya Pak? Pagi pak, mau tanya, saya juga baru berlangganan indihome sejak kemarin saya pun dapat modem zte f, nah kan di slot LAN nya ada 4 port yah?

Oh jadi harus antara ya pak untuk lan, lalu untuk telfonnya bisa antara juga? Your email address will not be published. Comments Malam gan, Saya pakai modem Indihome zte, skrang gak bisa konek live streaming facebook pake aplikasi obs studio tapi kalau ke youtube bisa, padahal awalnya gak masalah,, saya coba konek pake hospot hp ternyata bisa,, kira2 masalahnya apa ya?

Constant pake Full Speed? Mas mau tanya kalo untuk melihat username telkom speedy dan passwordnya dimana ya om? Mau tanya apa memang modem zte f ada dua versi? Username n password knp tiba2 error gitu y…pdhl biasany bisa..

Halo siang mas tommy. Nanya nh gan, kmp kok indihome ane g bisa buat connect game online gadget y,. Gan kok wigi indihome ane g bisa buat game online y?? Zte broadcast SSID ada dimana ya? Dicari gak ketemu ….

Seperti ini skema yg dimaui: Ya segala game online mas termasuk COC,. Gmana mas solusinya dan klo settingnya gmana mas?? Coba ke plasa telkom aja. Gan, cara blokir game online gimana? Mas Cara ganti nama modemnya gimana ya?

Om, mau tanya Kok laptop saya nggak mau konek kabel lan ya? Mohon bimbingan nya ya suhu. Mas Tommy, kalau mau seting modem zte f agar masing masing perangkat yang terhubung bandwithnya di batasi gemana caranya ya,..

Bagaimana caranya merubah ip dynamic bawaan settingan indihome menjadi ip static? Lagian Switch sekarang sudah sangat terjangkau kan: Cara ubah default password loginnya bisa gak? The opened router filename is now displayed in the window title.

Added support for D-Link DI firmware versions 2. Imporved again the detection of Edimax routers. Imporved the detection of Edimax routers. Added generic support for router files that are compressed with Deflate compression algorithm.

Added support for other versions of Edimax router file - currently only in Hex Dump mode. When you open a file that RouterPassView can decrypt, but it cannot locate the exact passwords location, it'll automatically switch to Hex Dump mode, so you'll be able to try locating the password in the decrypted Hex Dump.

Removed the wrong encoding from the xml string, which caused problems to some xml viewers. Added 'Grab Password From IE Window' option - Allows you to open the router configuration interface in Internet Explorer, and then grab the password stored inside the password text-box of the router Web page.

Added support for Sitecom WL, and possibly other models. Added support for Tomato firmware. Supported Routers Due to large amount of router models available in the market, it's impossible to support all of them. For now, RouterPassView supports a limited number of router models, and I'll gradually add support for more routers in future versions.

Asus RT-N56U, and possibly similar models. Sanex SA, and possibly similar models. In order to start using it, simply run the executable file - RouterPassView. If RouterPassView cannot detect your file, it'll remain empty.

In these modes, RouterPassView decrypts the router file, but display it "as is" without analyzing the data stored in it.

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Indihome saya pake ZTE modemnya. Feedback If you have any problem, suggestion, comment, or you found a bug in my utility, zte can send a message to nirsofer yahoo. Click Delete to delete the configuration. Password a connection interface from WAN Connection. On zxhn Web interface of f660 device, click the Network tab.


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